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مضت الشهور الثلاثة التي أعقبت التكامل السمعي

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    مضت الشهور الثلاثة التي أعقبت التكامل السمعي

    عندما قمت بعمل التكامل السمعي لابني محمد أوصت الطبيبة بتكثيف التدريب للطفل لمدة ثلاثة أشهر ثم طلبت تقييم الطفل عقب الشهور الثلاثة...
    هناك استمارة خاصة تم إعطاؤها لنا أثناء فترة تطبيق التكامل.. وهي التي علينا أن نملأها بعد الشهور الثلاثة لمعرفة مدى تحسن الطفل...

    التحسنات التي حصلت مع محمد والتي أعتقد أن التكامل السمعي ساعد فيها هي:
    1- تحسن محدود في الإدراك العام....
    اي أصبح أفضل في عمل الـ puzzles وكذلك في التمارين والتدريبات التي تحتاج إلى مهارات إدراك وتركيز مثل إيجاد الشيء المفقود في صورة أو ربط مفاهيم عامة مثل التصنيف.... لكن التحسن كان محدودا ولا أستطيع ان اصفه بأكثر من متوسط!!
    2- تحسن في مهارات العناية بالنفس....
    يعني مثلا كنت قد بدأت تدريب محمد على لبس الجوراب منذ مدة طويلة جدا.... تحسن بعض الشيء بعد التدريب الطويل... لكنني لم أدربه مطلقا على لبس الحذاء.... بعد التكامل السمعي بمدة بسيطة لاحظت أنه أصبح متمكنا من لبس جواربه وكذلك حذائه بالإضافة إلى خلع ملابسه مع أنه لم يكن يستطيع ان يخلع البلوزة (تي-شيرت) من قبل....
    3- أصبح يلعب لمدد أطول مع أخته في المنزل

    بصراحة كنت أتوقع تحسنات أكثر.... خاصة على صعيد الحساسيات السمعية التي أصلا صُمم التكامل السمعي للتخلص منها.... وكذلك على صعيد اللغة!!
    إلا أن الحساسيات السمعية ما زالت تلازم ابني وأيضا بعض الحساسيات البصرية....

    أطفال آخرين استفادوا بشدة على التكامل السمعي... وآخرين لم يستفيدوا مطلقا...
    لكنه بالتأكيد لن يضر أحدا...
    وما زلت أنصح بعمله لكل طفل من ذوي التوحد...
    فالتكامل السمعي من التدريبات العلاجية القليلة التي اجتمع على فائدتها لذوي التوحد أغلب الأطباء على اختلاف آرائهم

    أتمنى التوفيق للجميع

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    رد: مضت الشهور الثلاثة التي أعقبت التكامل السمعي

    الاخت ريم ان شاء الله التطورات والتحسنات تتزايد مع الوقت المهم ان التقدم ملموس ولو كان بسيط فكل خطوة مع احبائنا تفرق وتساعدهم على التحسن تمنياتي لمحمد بتقدم اكبر يسرك ان شاء الله .

    موضوعك هذا شجعني على ان اخذ رأيك بموضوع التكامل السمعي فانا كنت انوي عمله لابنائي ولكن للان لم اعمله الموضوع انني سابعث لك برابط احد المواقع التي تتيح لنا عمل التكامل في البيت من خلال الاي بود المبرمج وتستطيعين شرائه والاستفاده كما انه كما يذكرون ليس له اثار جانبيه على السمع حيث ان هذه الذبذبات امنه ,,,ارجو ان تطلعي عليه وتذكري لنا رايك .


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      رد: مضت الشهور الثلاثة التي أعقبت التكامل السمعي

      إن شاء الله بالشفاء التام يا رب لأبنك و كل أطفالنا و بارك الله فيك أختي ريم على مشاركتنا تجاربك التي نستفيد منها .


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        رد: مضت الشهور الثلاثة التي أعقبت التكامل السمعي

        أختي "فاطمة سعد"
        كنت قد وجدت موقعا على النت أيضا يبيع CDs بها ألعاب الكترونية ترافقها موسيقا خاصة...
        الألعاب والموسيقا كلامهما معا يقومان بعمل نفس تأثير التكامل السمعي
        هذا ما يذكره الموقع
        فقمت بالتواصل مع الطبيبة التي عملت لمحمد التكامل وأرسلت لها الرابط سائلة رأيها
        فقالت أن الـ CDs فعلا لها تأثير التكامل السمعي بطريقته الأصلية (طريقة بيرارد)... لكنه مختلف عن الطريقة الأحدث التي يطبقها مركز إيركير المصري وهي طريقة (كيربي)
        قمت بشراء اثنين من ألعاب الـ CD هذه لتطبيقها لاحقا مع محمد ومعرفة أثرها

        أنتظر الموقع الذي ذكرتيه

        أختي أم عزيمة
        شكرا لك، تمنياتي لك أيضا بشفاء عزيمة الحلوة والهدوء الحكيم لكل من داحس والغبراء مع مستقبل باهر للجميع بإذن الله


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          رد: مضت الشهور الثلاثة التي أعقبت التكامل السمعي

          تطورات جيده وان كانت بسيطه بالنسبه لديك اتمنى له التقدم والى الامام دائما ..
          اختي ريم خطتي القادمه بإذن الله عمل التكامل السمعي لعلي ولكن برأيك ماهو الوقت المناسب لعمله فعلي تقريبا له 6 اشهر على الحميه والمكملات ؟ كما اذا لم يكن لديك مانع ماهو الموقع الذي ذكرتيه سابقا وابتعت منه ال CDs ...
          يعطيك العافيه وشكرا لك .


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            رد: مضت الشهور الثلاثة التي أعقبت التكامل السمعي

            ريم جزاك الله خير الله يشفي حمودي وكل مريض
            ملوكي له ع الحميه شهرين ومع المكملات شهرين هل ينفع له التكامل وعمره 2سنه و6 اشهر
            اللهم اشفي مالك وكل مريض


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              رد: مضت الشهور الثلاثة التي أعقبت التكامل السمعي

              شكرا لك ريم علي افادتنا بتجربتك
              قمت بعمل التكامل السمعي لابنتي في نفس الوقت مع النيوروفيدباك -لظروف السفر- ولذلك لا استطيع ارجاع تحسن معين للتكامل السمعي
              ولكني انصح به الجميع لانه اذا لم ينفع فلن يضر
              وفي انتظار الموقع الذي ذكرته الاخت فاطمه
              قـد يـعـطـيـك الل? هـديـة ثـمـيـنـه جـداً ،
              مـغـلـفـة بـإبـتـلاء
              فـ"عـلـيـك بـالـصّــبــر دائـمـاً حـتـى يـنـجـلـي هـذا الـغـلاف لـتـحـصـل عـلـى تــلك الـ?ـديـة


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                رد: مضت الشهور الثلاثة التي أعقبت التكامل السمعي

                عزيزتي ريم
                مبروك التطورات التي حصلت لمحمد ولو كانت أقل من المتوقع، ولكن كل تطور جديد لأولادنا يعتبر انجاز لهم، دانيال الان صار يخلع حذاءه لوحده، وأنا فرحانة جدا من هذا الانجاز الذي حققه.
                عقبال الشفاء التام يا رب.
                التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة أم دانيال; الساعة 08-10-2010, 01:35 AM.


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                  رد: مضت الشهور الثلاثة التي أعقبت التكامل السمعي

                  السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
                  مبروك أختى ريم على التطورات وربنا يزيد ويبارك ويتمم شفاءه على خير هو وكل أبناءنا

                  كنت عايزة أعرف عنوان المكان إللى ممكن أعمل فيه جلسات التكامل السمعى ووعدد الجلسات فى الثلاث أشهر بيكونوا كام جلسة وياترى تكلفتهم فى مصر بتكون كام


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                    رد: مضت الشهور الثلاثة التي أعقبت التكامل السمعي

                    الحمدلله....اختى ريم لكل مجتهد نصيب ولا ضيع الله لك تعبا وبلغك شفائه ....يارررررب


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                      رد: مضت الشهور الثلاثة التي أعقبت التكامل السمعي

                      الله يكرمك اختي ريم بشفاء ابنك ، اود الإستفسار عن موضوع العابcd
                      مامدى ابجابيتها ؟ وكيف يمكن الحصول عليها .


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                        رد: مضت الشهور الثلاثة التي أعقبت التكامل السمعي

                        الى الامام,ماشاء الله,حتى لو التحسنات بسيطه,المهم انه فيه تحسن.


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                          رد: مضت الشهور الثلاثة التي أعقبت التكامل السمعي

                          http:// http:// http://soundtherapysystems.com

                          لمن اراد الاطلاع على الرابط كما اني ساضيف الايميل كامل ولكن للاسف بدون ترجمه .


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                            رد: مضت الشهور الثلاثة التي أعقبت التكامل السمعي

                            1.1. What exactly does this auditory training program do for the brain?
                            This auditory training program trains the brain in the various skills known as “auditory processing”. These skills are numerous and include such things as:
                            · Auditory attention- the ability to attend, focus or listen to something such as a parent’s request to pick up their toys;
                            · Filtering extraneous sound – being able to ‘tune out’ the sounds in the classroom in order to concentrate on the assignment;
                            · Sound discrimination – at a more elementary level, being able to distinguish an ‘m’ from an ‘n’; at the more advanced level, being able to distinguish change in voice tone to understand the emotional meaning being conveyed in language;
                            · Temporal processing – to process the basic elements of language (phonemes) one must be able to perceive the timing of rapidly changing sounds;
                            · Auditory memory – a fundamental skill essential for learning; the ability to receive, store, process, and recall information in a sequence such as a set of instructions like a homework assignment.
                            2. What if my child won’t listen to the music for the required 30 minutes a day?
                            Listen can be done in 3 different schedules:

                            · One (1) 15 minute module daily, five (5) days per week for 20 weeks;
                            Note: The program is repeated in reverse after 20 weeks for a total of 40 weeks.

                            · Two (2) 15 minute modules daily, five (5) days per week for 10 weeks;
                            Note: The program is repeated in reverse after 10 weeks for a total of 20 weeks.

                            · One (1) 30 minute module daily for five (5) days per week for 10 weeks;
                            Note: The program is repeated in reverse after 10 weeks in reverse for a total of 20 weeks.
                            3. How long should listening continue after these initial programs?
                            It is advised to complete at least 2 schedules of listening as listed above to achieve and maintain initial listening gains. Research has shown long-term (9-12 months) sustainability of changes. Some amount of continued listening is encouraged not only as a booster to help maintain changes, but to achieve new benefits and as part of an ongoing wellness program. This program is not just a tool to remediate listening problems, but also assists brain development and overall health and well-being. We’d like to see listeners incorporate listening into their daily lives investing in good listening habits and creating change for the long-term. Add the audio-vocal and mother's voice for additional benefit.
                            4. Where should my child or I listen and what can my child or I do while listening? Should it be quiet time?
                            Listening can be done anywhere since this system is portable and can be taken anywhere you go. This program allows for such flexibility that a center-based program can’t. You can listen at home, in the car, at therapy sessions, at the office, take it on vacation, take it on a plane, anywhere. Your surroundings don’t have to be completely quiet and you don't have to have your child silenced. Please carry on normal activities and normal conversations with them.
                            While your child is listening, they are engaged in sensory integration and vestibular activities. You will work with them one-on-one in the comfort of your own home. This makes the auditory training program fun, interactive, and affordable for you. Your program comes with activities to do while listening to better guide you on how to get the optimal effect from this listening program, but your Certified Provider is there every step of the way to navigate this program as well.
                            Your child can do such things as arts/crafts, painting, drawing/sketching, puzzles, paper dolls, play with baby dolls/trucks, blocks/Legos, Play-Dough, fine motor activities, stuffed animals, bouncing, swinging, jumping, obstacle courses, low impact exercise (walking), adults or older children can knit/crochet, draw/paint, art/crafts, play simple board games (checkers), or just sit and relax and enjoy the beautiful Mozart arrangements, paying attention to what you are hearing and the movement of the music. Taking a nap is also permitted, however for greater benefit, the movement activities create additional stimulation to the inner ear. Activities that are not permitted during listening are: watching TV, reading, listening to the radio/other music, computer or computer games (including hand held games) or eating, drinking or chewing gum.
                            Do not listen to headphones while driving a car, truck, boat or any motor vehicle. Riding a bike while listening is acceptable away from traffic. We don't want them to be alone with headphones on and no way to hear on-coming traffic. Please exercise caution.
                            5. 5. My child doesn’t like anything on his head and won’t wear headphones. How will this work if he doesn’t wear the headphones?
                            This has to be our #1 question we receive from parents. We can say that none of our children on this therapy has an issue with this like their parents once thought at the onset of their programs. Once the music gets playing and relaxes the listening and starts to entrain the ear, the child will adapt to wearing the headphones and they love the music and listening to the birds that flit around their head. Keeping the headphones on with a headband or bandana also helps. When the child becomes engaged in all of the activities to do while listening, they totally forget about the fact that they have something on their head, something they normally don’t like at all. In fact, many of our clients can’t wait for the day’s listening. In addition, when the bone conduction is applied, it desensitizes the body and helps with the sensory integration issues. The body is not so sensitive to tactile stimulation, or bothered by touch, clothes, hats or even headphones. You’ll be surprised!
                            6. How is this music recorded?
                            All music for this listening program was recorded by award-winning musicians of the Arcangelos Chamber Ensemble specifically for this auditory training method. These players join by invitation and were chosen for their technical merit, expressive qualities, and genuine interest in creating music to help people maximize their potential. This music is recorded in high definition (HD) 24-bit 192 KHz. This program is the first and only method of auditory training to create recordings of this quality. Recording in HD captures more authentic sound, more musical information. It provides a more natural listening experience. The HD recording has low levels of distortions. This provides a more accurate representation of sound waves and imparts a rich, fulfilling listening experience with greater clarity.
                            7. How is the music treated to make it therapeutic?
                            There are many processes that the music goes through to render it therapeutic. Psychoacoustic (how sound affects the nervous system) and neurosonic (process that modifies sound waves) techniques are used in the production of this music. These processes enhance and strengthen the natural attributes inherent within the musical structure to provide listening training for the ear and brain in order to bring the auditory system into balance.
                            8. Can this therapy help hearing loss?
                            In some cases yes. We have an elderly client who lost some hearing in his right ear and 20 weeks on this program has re-established better hearing in that ear. But this program is about "listening", a specialized form of "hearing". So we treat the listening problem and the brains ability to interpret or understand what is being heard.
                            9. What is filtering and why is the music filtered?
                            Filtration is the process in which selected frequencies are removed from full spectrum sound (natural sound with nothing taken away). Certain frequencies are removed from full spectrum sound to hone in on the remaining frequencies to train the brain to perceive these sounds and become consciously aware of them. This allows the listener to discriminate sounds they may otherwise miss. Filtering allows the brain cells to respond to their characteristic frequencies which results in the listeners ability to process sounds without distortion.
                            10. What are distortions in hearing?
                            Distortions can be described as not perceiving certain sounds so that the brain misses the auditory signal (hypoauditory) or perceives some sounds too well so that the listener is uncomfortable or in pain when they hear them (hyperauditory). One function of this auditory training program is to balance this perception to normal so that sound is perceived accurately and without stress which results in a sense of well-being.
                            11. How is this home listening program different from going to a center to receive therapy?
                            Saves Time and Money: There is no traveling involved with this home listening program. This significantly cuts down on the time factor as well as costs to travel to the center and often lodge for weeks at a time for those who are far away from a center. This system is purchased and is yours to keep. All the therapy you need is contained in these systems for years to come. With this system, there is no need to pay for additional boosters of therapy like you would have to do with a center-based program. You do as much as you want for the purchase price. The portable system allows YOU to play with your child and interact while listening. Why pay someone else at a center to do what you can do right in your own home or your own back yard or playground down the block. While listening, your child will engage in movement to get that vestibular system (inner ear). You can use everything you have at home in your playroom to work with your child. We will go over everything you need to do on a daily basis at the time of training. It's really simple and fun!
                            Portability: The fact that this system can fit nicely in a back-pack and be placed on the back of the listener allows for freedom of movement and enables the listener to not be confined while listening. They can go for a walk, swing on the playground, run around the house, bounce on a trampoline or therapy ball, go to Grandma’s house, play with the dog, or take this therapy to their school and work with their speech or occupational therapist there, their sibling’s ball game or for adults, to the office, and listen there. It’s simple and easy to use and is keeping up with today’s technology and today’s busy schedules that each one of us has.
                            Production quality of the music:The music of this listening program has been arranged and carefully engineered with many post-production enhancements to it. The listener actually hears the music come alive with individual instruments being accented at certain times instead of all instruments blending together. The listener will feel as if they are in the middle of an orchestra with movement of the instruments in a 360 degree sound field; quite different from center-based listening therapy that only provides listening in stereo; from left and right. In addition the recording of the music in high definition (HD) greatly adds to the experience as the listener is capturing true authentic sound as it sounded when it was recorded – quite clear and revealing the true “voice” of each instrument. In addition, within this program is a technology that exercises the ear muscles like that of any workout program with a “warm-up”, “intense training” and “cool-down”. This way the ear is relaxed and prepared for the intense training to come, is then put through a high intensity workout, and then brought back to relaxation and recovery. These features greatly enhance the auditory stimulation and the listener’s perception of all the varied frequencies of sound thereby training the ear and brain to listen better and process sound better affecting various brain and body functions.
                            Listening Time Shortened: This program requires listening from 15 minutes to 30 minutes a day depending on the ability of the listener. Center-based therapy requires listening for up to 2 hours each treatment which can be time-consuming and constraining for a small child to listen for that long. Due to the high quality processing of this music, it is only necessary to train the ear with this program for 30 minutes a day.
                            12. What if I have questions at any time during this therapy? Who do I contact?
                            Your Certified Provider will train you and monitor your program carefully. They are available longer if you wish to consult with them on a continuous basis. They will answer your questions and guide you on all aspects of this listening training and make recommendations for listening schedules. You will also have conference calls with your Provider to check-in and discuss the progress of the program or to make modifications to the program. You will always be in constant communication with your Provider.
                            13. What if my child or I miss a day of listening? What do we do?
                            Over the span of this program it is inevitable that some listening may be missed. In the event that this happens and depending on how much time has been missed, your Provider will advise you on where to pick up with listening. Sometimes you only need to repeat a day’s worth, other times, if too much time has elapsed since the last time you listened, you may need to begin the program again. For best results with this program, you need frequency (how often), intensity (how much) and duration (how long). These three together will promote changes in the listening.
                            14. Can this program be done in conjunction with my child’s other therapies?
                            Yes. This therapy complements educational, therapeutic and behavioral interventions. In fact, clinical experience has shown that this listening program, when used concurrently with other interventions, accelerates the child’s rate of progress.
                            15. How is progress measured with this program?
                            At the beginning of the program, a detailed history is taken from the client as well as listening screening tools are used to identify areas of weakness related to auditory functions. Information on receptive and expressive language, sensory integration, fine/gross motor skills, behavior, social adjustment, and energy level are gathered to get to know the needs of the listener and how he/she can best be helped by this program. Listening goals are also provided by the parent or adult listener to indicate what they wish the child (or themselves) to accomplish during the auditory training. Every day of the listening program, observation forms are completed by the parent/teacher/therapist who is administering the listening (or adult listener) to document the changes seen during the program and assess overall progress. Also, the stated goals provided at the beginning of the program are compared to the progress seen after the 20 week program to further evaluate the experience in listening, identify areas that still need addressing and to fine-tune goals for further listening.
                            For further questions that haven’t been addressed here, please don’t hesitate to call us at:


                            We want you to feel comfortable with this system and will explain all the facets of this listening program to you so that you fully understand how this system works and the changes our clients are seeing in their children. You can also speak with some of our clients to ask them questions and to get their opinions on the system and how their children are progressing on this therapy.
                            Choose the auditory training program on an 8GB Apple i-Pod (instead of CDs) which is already pre-loaded and pre-programmed with the music that has been engineered and modulated to train the ears and the brain to listen better. An additional library of calming, de-stressing and invigorating music is contained on the i-Pod as a "free gift" to use with your program.


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                              رد: مضت الشهور الثلاثة التي أعقبت التكامل السمعي

                              Now You Can Do Auditory Training in Your Home!!
                              No Traveling, Really?Re-train the ears and the brain to listen better and function better right in the comfort of your own home! Gone are the days of traveling to far-away centers to do auditory training. Look no further than your living room, your den, your back yard, even your car or Grandma's house! This is the portable system - take it anywhere! Gone are the days of paying too much money for limited therapy or needing to go back for booster sessions and pay additional fees. This is economical and you own it! It's easier than ever and it's right in the palm of your hand!

                              Early Warning Signs of Autism
                              You should definitely and immediately have your child evaluated first by your pediatrician and if needed, then by a neurodevelopment pediatrician who specializes in detecting developmental disorders if your child:
                              • Does not babble or coo by 12 months of age
                              • Does not gesture (point, wave, grasp, etc.) by 12 months of age
                              • Does not say single words by 16 months of age
                              • Does not say two-word phrases on his or her own spontaneously (rather than just repeating what someone says to him or her) by 24 months of age
                              • Has any loss of any language or social skill at any age.

                              If your pediatrician disagrees with you that there is a developmental problem at this stage and wants to "give it more time", but you feel strongly that there is just something "not right" with your child, follow your gut instinct and refer your child yourself to your local early intervention office for evaluation. Sometimes general pediatricians are not trained to pick up on all the signs of autism like a specialists is. YOU ARE YOUR CHILD'S GREATEST ADVOCATE!
                              DO NOT DELAY GETTING YOUR CHILD ASSESSED.
                              EARLY INTERVENTION IS KEY TO RECOVERY

                              Red Flags That Could Be Signs of Autism

                              Parents, teachers, and other caregivers should be aware of the following "red flags":
                              • The child does not respond to his/her name
                              • The child cannot explain what he/she wants.
                              • Language skills or speech are delayed.
                              • The child doesn't follow directions.
                              • At times, the child seems to be deaf.
                              • The child seems to hear sometimes, but not others.
                              • The child doesn't point or wave bye-bye.
                              • The child used to say a few words or babble, but now he/she doesn't.
                              • The child throws intense or violent tantrums.
                              • The child has odd movement patterns.
                              • The child is hyperactive, uncooperative, or oppositional.
                              • The child doesn't know how to play with toys.
                              • The child doesn't smile when smiled at.
                              • The child has poor eye contact.
                              • The child gets "stuck" on things over and over and can't move on to other things.
                              • The child seems to prefer to play alone.
                              • The child gets things for him/herself only.
                              • The child is very independent for his/her age.
                              • The child seems to be in his/her "own world."
                              • The child seems to tune people out.
                              • The child is not interested in other children.
                              • The child walks on his/her toes, flaps his/her hands, continuously rocks or bangs head (self-injurious behavior).
                              • The child shows unusual attachments to toys, objects, or schedules (i.e., always holding a string or having to put socks on before pants).
                              • Child spends a lot of time lining things up or putting things in a certain order.
                              • Over-sensitivity to textures, sounds, smells.

                              When should a doctor evaluate a child for autism?

                              Doctors should do a "developmental screening" at every well-baby and well-child visit, through the preschool years. In this screening, the doctor asks questions related to normal development that allows him or her to measure a specific child's development. These questions are often more specific versions of the red flags listed above, such as Does the child cuddle like other children? Or, Does the child direct your attention by holding up objects for you to see? If the doctor finds that a child either has definite signs of autism, or has a high number of red flags, he or she will send the child to a specialist in child development or another type of health care professional, so the child can be tested for autism. The specialist will rule out other disorders and use tests specific to autism. Then he or she will decide whether a formal diagnosis of autism or another disorder is appropriate.
                              When do children usually show signs of autism?
                              In most cases, the symptoms of autism are measurable by certain screening tools at 18 months of age. However, parents and experts in autism treatment can usually detect symptoms before this time. In general, a formal diagnosis of autism can be made when a child is two, but is usually made when a child is between two and three, when he or she has a noticeable delay in developing language skills.


